automotive finance

Rising car prices in 2023: Time to review your Car Loan?


The rising costs of living have been biting Aussies this year, with transportation, along with housing costs and groceries being 2023’s biggest expenses. 

Recent research from the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) shows that transport costs continue to increase for Aussies, with over 15% of household income being spent on this area. 

The cost per household has risen a whopping $1,730 a year in the last 12 months. 

Transport costs can include all operating costs to get your hot wheels on the road, along with public transport – but what about the basic bread and butter costs car owners face?

Australian highways with your dream car in no time. So, let’s hit the road with confidence and a sprinkle of Aussie charm, as you cruise towards a brighter financial future. Safe travels, and may your financial engine always purr!

Fuel pricing is in focus

Fuel is a necessity to vehicle owners making up 23% of transport costs, but those prices have been eye watering. However, there has been some relief! 

The AAA shows that fuel prices have been declining since the end of 2022 by almost $3 a week for Aussie households. The cities doing it toughest with the highest fuel prices are Hobart and Brisbane, with Perth coming in at the lowest prices. 

It should be noted that tyre costs are taking grip too.

The weekly costs of serving and tyres have risen $3 a week in the last 12 months for households, with the highest prices being in the cities of Canberra and Perth, says the AAA.

Car Loan Repayments

Car loan repayments are in a league of their own and have been subject to their own interest rate battles.

It’s no surprise that car loan repayments have increased by $35 a week per household in the last 12 months. The current average weekly car loan repayment is $183.30 and makes up 44.4% of a household transportation costs. 

These types of costs needn’t dictate your buying experience. There are ways to tackle the problem. 

Finding the right car loan for you can be stressful, but having the right resources makes it easier. Making sure you know all the facts can help you reach your financial goals faster. 

Let’s delve into the reasons behind the surge in car prices and discuss why reviewing your car loan might be a smart move:

1. The Factors Driving Car Price Escalation

From economic factors to supply chain disruptions, understand why car prices are on the rise in 2023 and how it’s affecting consumers nationwide. Unravel the various elements contributing to the escalation of car prices in 2023. From supply chain disruptions to technological advancements, understanding these factors lays the foundation for evaluating your car loan.

2. The Impact on Car Loan Affordability: 

With the inflation of car prices, is your current loan aligned with your vehicle’s new value? Learn how this disparity can impact your financial well-being. As car prices climb, affordability becomes a pressing concern. Learn how the surge in prices might affect your monthly loan payments, total interest paid, and overall financial stability.

3. Reviewing Your Car Loan: 

When to Consider Reassessment: Not all car loans are created equal. Discover the signs that indicate it’s time to review your existing car loan and potentially make adjustments to suit the current market conditions.

4. Refinancing: A Strategy for Adaptation: 

When the road gets rocky, savvy drivers explore alternate routes. Discover how refinancing your car loan can help you better match the increased car prices, potentially saving you money in the long run. Refinancing your car loan can be a strategic move to counterbalance rising car prices. Learn about the benefits of refinancing, how it works, and when it’s a prudent choice.

5. Evaluating Your Financial Situation: 

Is Your Loan Still Sustainable? With car prices on the rise, it’s crucial to evaluate your financial circumstances. We offer a step-by-step guide to assessing whether your current loan aligns with your budget and goals.

6. Exploring Alternative Financing Options:

The changing car market opens doors to new financing options. From leasing to secured loans, explore alternative ways to finance your car purchase that could be more aligned with the current economic climate.

7. Negotiating with Dealerships: 

Communication is key. Explore the benefits of discussing the rising car prices with your lender and how they might provide insights or solutions to ease your financial load. Maximising Value in Your Purchase: The art of negotiation becomes even more valuable in a market with rising prices. Discover tactics for negotiating with dealerships to ensure you get the best value for your money.

8. Balancing Wants and Needs: Redefining Your Car Priorities: Rising prices might require a shift in perspective. We discuss how to balance your desires for a dream car with the need to remain financially responsible in a changing market.

Armed with knowledge, you’re in the driver’s seat. Understand when it makes sense to stick with your current loan, when refinancing is a game-changer, and how to plan for a secure financial journey.


The road to car ownership in 2023 is paved with unique challenges, particularly the surge in car prices. As you navigate this landscape, remember that your car loan should evolve with the times. By understanding the reasons behind rising prices, evaluating your loan’s sustainability, and exploring alternative financing avenues, you can confidently steer your way towards a car purchase that aligns with your financial well-being. It’s not just about owning a car – it’s about making savvy choices that drive you towards a brighter financial future.

Congratulations, you’ve earned your “Car Loan Driver’s License” for Australia! Armed with knowledge and insight, you’re ready to embark on the journey towards car ownership with confidence. Remember, it’s not just about reaching the destination; it’s about enjoying the ride while being financially savvy. So, fasten your seatbelt and rev up those engines – your dream car is closer than ever before.

If you have any further questions, need assistance, or want to get in touch with us, please feel free to reach out:


Phone: (02) 7900 3288

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Address: Ground Floor 3, 189 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000

You can also connect with us on social media: FacebookTwitter, Instagram

We’re here to help you navigate your car loan journey and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. Whether you’re looking for advice, refinancing options, or guidance on rising car prices, our team is ready to assist you.


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